Land Development Projects


Karagedik urban development Project area is situated between Haymana road and Gölbaşı road, at the southern part of the Gölbaşı natural protection zone (Mogan and Eymir lakes’ basin), at the Northwestern part of Karagedik village. It is located at 34 kilometers from Ankara city center and is completely covered by the Ankara Municipality administrative zone.

The distance from the city center will be diminished to 29 kilometers with the completion of the Ankara – Adana highway which is passing from the northern part of the Project area.

The Project has been developed as an initiative of Bilkent University, with the participation of Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) and the hand over of the Treasury owned lands within the project area to the Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKİ).

Characteristics Of The Area

The Project area is located right at the side of the natural protection zone, and since it is the first area with building rights just after that zone, it is in a very advantageous location.

Besides this, there are 7 brooks on the Project land. It is predicted to get use of these brooks with the establishment of appropriate treatment plants.

From the southern part of the planning area is passing the BOTAŞ natural gas pipe-line. One of the main objectives of the Project is to build a gas station on this line for the gas distribution needs of the area.

Project Objectives

Since the Project has started as a Bilkent initiative, its main objectives are; building a campus named as "South Bilkent", establishing in this campus the faculties that do not take place in the existing campus, establishing a techno park near the campus and ensuring the sustainability of the university with the income earned from this new establishments.

Karagedikİmar Planı

Universities and Techno parks are very important factors for the provocation of the development of a new settlement. In the Karagedik Project, these two elements will be the attraction focuses, industrial and commercial areas will be developed accordingly and there will be a necessity to meet the demand for the housing and recreation areas that the employment will create.

With all these thoughts, a so called "Satellite City" has been predicted in the Project area. More explicitly, the Project area is predicted as a self-sufficient urban center with its university and its techno park, with its industrial and commercial areas, its urban service areas, its parks, its schools and hospitals, and all kinds of recreational areas such as golf courses. In consideration of all these factors, a Development Master Plan has been prepared and approved.

After the approval of the Development Master Plan, there are several turning points to follow such as Implementary Development Plans, Zoning Plans and the Start-Up of the Construction Works. Each of these turning points are important factors to increase the attraction of the Project area.
